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Ways to Customise Commercial Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy floors are created with a mixture of resins and hardeners that are applied to the floor. This tough surface is ideal for commercial settings because the epoxy emulsion hardens into a non-porous plastic cover that is extremely resistant. Additionally, you can customise the flooring to suit your premises by choosing from the various options. Consider the following possibilities.

Self-Levelling Epoxy

One way to customise your floor is to opt for self-levelling epoxy. These floors consist of resins and hardeners, similar to standard epoxy surfaces. However, the formulation is slightly different, and it involves distinct application processes. With a self-levelling floor, the contractors pour on the mixture and use a trowel to push the thick liquid around so that it spreads across the surface. The consistency of the mixture lets it run into minor imperfections and even itself out, so the floor will be absolutely smooth.

Standard epoxy floors are applied with a roller over the surface, and the mixture doesn't flow so easily into crevices. The roller pushes the mixture over the floor, so it's not quite as perfect and seamless.

Colours and Designs

You can customise the appearance of epoxy floors in a variety of ways for your commercial space. Constant pigments can be added to the mixture. So you can create a floor in colours like beige, grey, off-white, rust, burgundy, terracotta, green and blue. You can also choose black or deep charcoal. Thus, you can opt for neutral, pale tones or bold, vibrant colours.

You can also choose a patterned commercial epoxy flooring made from variously coloured flakes that are scattered randomly over the mixture before it sets. For example, a mixture of grey, charcoal, black, brown, white and cream flakes can be combined and shaken over the surface, giving it a speckled look. You can pick from various flake combinations; some feature predominantly warm browns and tans, and others cool blues, greys and blacks.

Contractors can also make epoxy floors with swirls and marbling effects. They drizzle metallic pigments over the base hue and swish the colours together with a trowel or squeegee.


If you want to make the floor safer for employees and customers, you can choose from options to increase its traction. Vinyl-coloured flakes typically slightly roughen the surface to give it texture, thus making the floor less slippery. Additives, such as silica sand, can also be broadcast on the floor at different stages. These will give the surface a slightly gritty feel and improve traction.  

For more info about commercial epoxy flooring, contact a local company. 
